Tag Archives: Applescript

A quick post for people who are brand-new to AppleScript or who are just checking out the new Code Library for the first time about how to use the AppleScripts published on Veritrope.com!

I thought I’d create a quick post for people who are brand-new to AppleScript or who are just checking out the new Code Library for the first time: As the title suggests, it isn’t as much about “How To Use AppleScript” as it is about how to use the AppleScripts that you find here!If you’re interested in learning more about AppleScript, be sure to check out the AppleScript and Automator Resources Page. It’s filled with links to books, videos, tools, and websites that’ll help you get started!-Justin.

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A Greeting to Japanese Readers!

Veritrope.com へようこそ!



英語でご利用いただけるたくさんのプログラムやプロジェクトを日本の皆さまにも広くご利用いただけるようにと、 M.E. Hori と synkuro により翻訳を開始しました。私たち英語圏の Mac ユーザにとっても、日本の素晴らしい Mac ユーザの皆さまから学ばせていただくことが多々あると思いますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

Veritrope.com のコードライブラリに日本語のプログラム、サブルーチンのための特別なタグを設けました。すでにご利用いただける AppleScript がいくつかあります。あなたのプロブラムやプロジェクトを他の Mac ユーザに共有する際は、このフォームを使ってライブラリに登録していただけたら幸いです。

今後日本語による AppleScript の解説もしていきたいと思っています。

Veritrope.com の内容をより多くの方にご利用いただけるように、皆さまからのコメントやメッセージをお待ちしています。



Two Methods To Use AppleScripts Faster Through Keyboard Shortcuts

If you’re interested in learning more about AppleScript, be sure to check out the AppleScript and Automator Resources Page. It’s filled with links to books, videos, tools, and websites that’ll help you get started!

A reader sent me a message because she was having a hard time setting up a keyboard shortcut to run an AppleScript. She wasn’t a new Mac user by any stretch — in fact, she’s a tech professional! So I went back and re-read my own previous descriptions of how to assign a keyboard shortcut to a script.

Looking at it with fresh eyes, I realized that I could do better… and that it was important to do so. Proper use of keyboard shortcuts can have a massively positive impact on making your computer a lot easier to use!

In the same way, AppleScripts are designed to speed up the way you use your Mac. When people understand how they can use both scripts and shortcuts together — invoking complex actions with the same ease as cutting-and-pasting inside a document — they tend to become really enthusiastic about using them. For a “utility script” that you only use occasionally, it’s no problem to manually run it. But for the scripts you want to use repeatedly throughout the day, keyboard shortcuts aren’t just desirable — they’re essential!

So let’s take another pass at this and walk through two ways you can set up a keyboard shortcut to run an AppleScript.

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