Tools For Writers




ScrivenerScrivener is a word processor designed with working writers in mind. With strong outlining and research collection facilities and templates to get your text formatted quickly, Scrivener has become an indispensable tool for people trying to finish their first draft!
BBEditIf you write all different types of code -- or want a super-powerful, Markdown-friendly text editor -- BBEdit is your app.
ReederFor reading newsfeeds on your Mac, Reeder is probably the best RSS reader around these days. A simple layout with lots of options to share and store news items, Reeder has replaced NetNewsWire as my "morning paper".
TweetdeckTweetdeck is a full-featured Twitter client for the Mac which I use to create search feeds for topics that I'm interested in.
EvernoteFor years, Evernote has been my primary note-keeping app (and digital "filing cabinet" for my scanned items).
DEVONthinkWhen you need to scan of a lot of paper at once, DEVONthink Pro is the tool for the job. Built by people who know and love Macs, DEVONthink Pro has powerful tools like Automatic Grouping which help make sense of your data.
MarsEditMarsEdit is the premier blog editing application for the Mac. It provides an offline interface to most popular blogging systems (like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger)
ClarifyClarify is a specialized screenshotting app which combines image capture, image editing and text authoring to help you quickly build tutorials or walk-throughs.
OmniFocusOmniFocus is the app which keeps my life on track. If the App Store were like "Superman II", then OmniFocus would be Zod. Kneel before it!
TextExpander for MacTextExpander is one of those apps you use for five minutes and then wonder how you ever did without it. It is invaluable for when I'm writing things containing boilerplate elements (like formatting a new AppleScript, for example). I often combine it with AppleScript and TE's own "Fill" feature to knock out huge blocks of text in a matter of seconds.


Reeder for iPadReeder for iPad takes the features you like about Reeder for Mac and puts them at your fingertips.
OmniFocus for IPhoneOmniFocus for IPhone (and its big brother "OmniFocus for IPad" below) help you take your tasks on the road -- and it uses the iPhone's GPS to help you refine and use your contexts!
OmniFocus for IPadI think OmniFocus for Pad shines when using it for weekly reviews and in Forecast mode.
Evernote for iOSMost Evernote users I know didn't really get excited about it until they played with its iOS app. It lets you capture and retrieve all sorts of information, and the Evernote team keeps working to refine and improve it all the time. It's a gem!
TextExpanderSmile Software makes a version of TextExpander for iOS. Not quite as handy as the OS X version, it's still good to have for speed the composing of long bits of text on your iPhone.
MindJet for iPadA companion to MindJet's MindManager for OS X
the free MindJet for iPad app lets you use Mind Mappping to outline and organize your thoughts.
OmniGraffle for iPadOmniGraffle for iPad takes the "mind mapping" concept even further, allowing you to quickly compose graphics and illustrations to use in your blog posts or walk-throughs.
InstapaperI use Instapaper to store all the things that I want to read carefully.
Tweetbot for iPadTweetbot from Tapbots is the Twitter client I was waiting for. It 's intuitive to use and has plenty of tools to help me turn Twitter content into the stuff I write about.
Tweetbot for iPhoneTapbots latest offering puts a favorite app on the iPad -- beautifully done!


iPhone 4SApple's iPhone 4S is the finest tool I know of for turning ideas into actions. I use it as a camera, to keep up with what's going on in the world, to keep myself on task, and to dictate blog posts and notes.

Matias Tactile ProThe Tactile Pro Keyboard is an old-school, "clicky" keyboard (a.k.a., a mechanical keyswitch keyboard). It gives tactile feedback for greater comfort and faster typing speeds.

AppleScripts and Services

The Evernote List BuilderI use the Evernote List Builder to compile ongoing lists of things into Evernote by highlighting text and selecting it from the context menu,
DEVON WordServiceDEVON WordService provides a large number of commands for working with selected text, including "Reformat text paragraphs", "Clean up tabs", "Change case", "Shift paragraphs right or left", "Insert date, time, or file path", "Speak selected text",
"Get text statistics" -- and more!
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