Checks to see if GROWL is running. If it is, the value "isRunning" is changed to "true" and your GROWL notification application is registered with the helper app. FYI -- You'll need to change the variables in this script to reflect the names/titles you'd like for your own particular project.The Code
on Growl_Check()
if appIsRunning("GrowlHelperApp") then
set isRunning to true
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
set allNotificationsFiles to {"${Title of Growl Message:Growl Title}", "Success Notification", "Failure Notification"}
set enabledNotificationsFiles to {"${Title of Growl Message:Growl Title}", "Success Notification", "Failure Notification"}
register as application ¬
"${What You Want To Call Your Growl Application Name:Growl Helper App}" all notifications allNotificationsFiles ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsFiles ¬
icon of application "${Which Application's Icon to Use?:Finder}"
end tell
end if
end Growl_Check
on Growl_Check()
if appIsRunning("GrowlHelperApp") then
set isRunning to true
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
set allNotificationsFiles to {"${Title of Growl Message:Growl Title}", "Success Notification", "Failure Notification"}
set enabledNotificationsFiles to {"${Title of Growl Message:Growl Title}", "Success Notification", "Failure Notification"}
register as application ¬
"${What You Want To Call Your Growl Application Name:Growl Helper App}" all notifications allNotificationsFiles ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsFiles ¬
icon of application "${Which Application's Icon to Use?:Finder}"
end tell
end if
end Growl_Check