I am not a developer (and my scripts are evidence of that), but I do like to tinker with scripting to make my life easier. Script: FreeBusy Export Description: I get many inquiries from clients who don't have access to the Exchange server's free/busy date. I wanted to simplify the process of responding to their requests by automatically generating availability information for easy emailing.Script Requirements:
Outlook 2011 for Mac Exchange Server Growl (not mandatory, but highly recommended)How to Configure:
Review and change the following variables at the top of the script:
set exchangeAccountName to "ExchangeCompany" as string -- This is the name of your Exchange account in Outlook Accounts
set exchangeUserEmail to "[email protected]" as string -- Email address of the account queries for availability
set defStartTime to "9:30am" as string -- The earliest meetings that will be considered
set defEndTime to "4:30pm" as string -- The latest meetings that will be considered
set timeZoneDescription to "(Central)" as string -- Time zone, only a label for the header, does not impact any actual dates or times
set useGrowl to true -- Change to false if you don't have Growl installed. However, turning this off will also turn off notifications for when the script is done running.
How to Use:
Launch using Quicksilver, another app launcher, or directly within the AppleScript Editor. The only option that does not work (for some strange reason) is launching the script from the scripts menu inside Outlook - get time-out errors. Enter date/time you want to start the availability search. Enter date/time you want to end the availability search. Wait until notification the script is done running (if using Growl, or just wait for about 30 seconds or less) Put the cursor where you need the availability information and hit Command-v {paste}The Code
FreeBusy Export
April 29, 2015
Hosted on:
Description: This script makes it easy to respond to requests for available meeting times, for those who are not on the same Exchange server and can't lookup availability through the server.
The scripts prompts for start and end date / time, and returns a pre-formatted message with time-slots showing availability.
Author: Yan Kravchenko (@yanfosec) [email protected]
To Do:
* Add better error handling, didn't really do much in that regard
* Add check to make sure the ending date/time is later than starting date/time
* Add alternative notifications other than Growl
* Improve message formatting
* Tighten code (I am not a developer, so I am sure this script is pretty amateur stuff)
-- Configurable Fields
global meetingInterval
global exchangeAccountName
global exchangeUserEmail
global defStartTime
global defEndTime
global timeZoneDescription
global useGrowl
set meetingInterval to 30 as number -- This sets the search interval. 30 seems to offer the best performance / detail balance, smaller intervals increase processing time
set exchangeAccountName to "CompanyExchange" as string -- This is the name of your Exchange account in Outlook Accounts
set exchangeUserEmail to "[email protected]" as string -- Email address of the account queries for availability
set defStartTime to "9:30am" as string -- The earliest meetings that will be considered
set defEndTime to "4:30pm" as string -- The latest meetings that will be considered
set timeZoneDescription to "(Central)" as string -- Time zone, only a label for the header, does not impact any actual dates or times
set useGrowl to true -- Change to false if you don't have Growl installed. However, turning this off will also turn off notifications for when the script is done running.
-- There should not be any reason to modify anything below this point, unless looking to improve the script.
-- Global declarations
global emailCalendar
global crlf
global dayOfWeek
global startingTime
global endingTime
global aDuration
global isNewLine
set startingTime to (current date)
set endingTime to (current date)
set isNewLine to true
set aDuration to 0 as number
set dayOfWeek to " " as string
set crlf to (ASCII character 13) & (ASCII character 10)
set emailCalendar to "" as string
on getDate(textInput)
return date textInput
end getDate
on writeOutLine()
if startingTime is not equal to endingTime then
set newLine to " " & time string of startingTime & " - " & time string of endingTime & crlf as string
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & newLine
end if
end writeOutLine
on evalDate(inDate, aStatus, isLastItem, isFirstItem)
--log "inDate: " & inDate
--log "aStatus: " & aStatus
--log "isLastItem: " & isLastItem
--log "isFirstItem: " & isFirstItem
set upperTime to date (date string of inDate & " " & defStartTime) as date
set lowerTime to date (date string of inDate & " " & defEndTime) as date
if aStatus is "free" then
if inDate is greater than or equal to upperTime and inDate is less than or equal to lowerTime then
if weekday of inDate as string is not "Saturday" and weekday of inDate as string is not "Sunday" then
if dayOfWeek is not equal to weekday of inDate as string then
if isFirstItem then
set dayOfWeek to weekday of inDate as string
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & crlf & "* " & date string of inDate & crlf
log "First Item: " & emailCalendar
set endingTime to endingTime - (meetingInterval * minutes)
if dayOfWeek is not equal to " " then
writeOutLine() of me
end if
set aDuration to meetingInterval
set isNewLine to true
set dayOfWeek to weekday of inDate as string
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & crlf & "* " & date string of inDate & crlf
log "Not First Item: " & emailCalendar
end if
end if
if isNewLine then
set startingTime to inDate
set endingTime to startingTime + (meetingInterval * minutes)
set isNewLine to false
log "New Line: " & emailCalendar
if isLastItem then
set endingTime to endingTime - (meetingInterval * minutes)
writeOutLine() of me
log "New Line AND Last Item: " & emailCalendar
end if
if endingTime is equal to inDate then
set endingTime to endingTime + (meetingInterval * minutes)
set isNewLine to false
if isLastItem then
log "Ending Time NOT Found - Is Last Item: " & emailCalendar
writeOutLine() of me
end if
log "Ending Time Found - Is Last Item: " & emailCalendar
writeOutLine() of me
set startingTime to inDate
set endingTime to startingTime + (meetingInterval * minutes)
set isNewLine to false
end if
end if
end if
end if
if isLastItem then
--set endingTime to endingTime - (meetingInterval * minutes)
writeOutLine() of me
end if
end if
end evalDate
on startMessage(startText, endText)
if short date string of startText is equal to short date string of endText then
set emailCalendar to "Here is my availability for " & date string of startText & " " & timeZoneDescription & ": " & crlf
set emailCalendar to "Here is my availability between " & short date string of startText & " and " & short date string of endText & " " & timeZoneDescription & ": " & crlf
end if
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & crlf
end startMessage
on sendNotification()
tell application "System Events"
set isRunning to (count of (every process whose bundle identifier is "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp")) > 0
end tell
if isRunning then
tell application id "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp"
set the allNotificationsList to ¬
{"Progress Report"}
set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
{"Progress Report"}
register as application ¬
"FreeBusy Data Extract" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
icon of application "Script Editor"
notify with name ¬
"Progress Report" title ¬
"Availability has been copied into clipboard" description ¬
"You may now paste into any message you like..." application name "FreeBusy Data Extract"
end tell
end if
end sendNotification
--tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
with timeout of 600 seconds
set thisAccount to exchange account exchangeAccountName
set defStart to short date string of (current date) & " " & defStartTime
set defEnd to short date string of (current date) & " " & defEndTime
display dialog "Starting date..." default answer defStart with title "Starting Date"
set startText to text returned of result
--print startText
if startText is not "" then
exit repeat
end if
on error
end try
end repeat
display dialog "Ending date..." default answer defEnd with title "Ending Date"
set endText to text returned of result
if endText is not "" then
--set endDate to date endText as string
exit repeat
end if
on error
end try
end repeat
-- Writes out the header for availability
startMessage(getDate(startText) of me, getDate(endText) of me) of me
log emailCalendar
set availability to (query freebusy thisAccount for attendees exchangeUserEmail range start time date startText range end time date endText interval meetingInterval)
set listSize to (count of availability) as number
set timeSlot to getDate(startText as string) of me
set endSlot to getDate(endText as string) of me
set listIndex to 5 as number
set date_array to {}
set status_array to {}
-- Load the two arrays with data from Exchange
repeat while listIndex is not equal to (count of availability)
set the end of date_array to timeSlot as date
set the end of status_array to item listIndex of availability as string
set listIndex to listIndex + 3
set timeSlot to timeSlot + (meetingInterval * minutes)
end repeat
-- Main loop through the new arrays.
set listIndex to 1
repeat while listIndex is less than or equal to (count of date_array)
if listIndex is equal to (count of date_array) then
set isLastItem to true
set isLastItem to false
end if
if listIndex is equal to 1 then
set isFirstItem to true
set isFirstItem to false
end if
evalDate(item listIndex of date_array, item listIndex of status_array, isLastItem, isFirstItem) of me
set listIndex to listIndex + 1
set timeSlot to timeSlot + (meetingInterval * minutes)
end repeat
set the clipboard to emailCalendar
sendNotification() of me
end timeout
end tell
FreeBusy Export
April 29, 2015
Hosted on:
Description: This script makes it easy to respond to requests for available meeting times, for those who are not on the same Exchange server and can't lookup availability through the server.
The scripts prompts for start and end date / time, and returns a pre-formatted message with time-slots showing availability.
Author: Yan Kravchenko (@yanfosec) [email protected]
To Do:
* Add better error handling, didn't really do much in that regard
* Add check to make sure the ending date/time is later than starting date/time
* Add alternative notifications other than Growl
* Improve message formatting
* Tighten code (I am not a developer, so I am sure this script is pretty amateur stuff)
-- Configurable Fields
global meetingInterval
global exchangeAccountName
global exchangeUserEmail
global defStartTime
global defEndTime
global timeZoneDescription
global useGrowl
set meetingInterval to 30 as number -- This sets the search interval. 30 seems to offer the best performance / detail balance, smaller intervals increase processing time
set exchangeAccountName to "CompanyExchange" as string -- This is the name of your Exchange account in Outlook Accounts
set exchangeUserEmail to "[email protected]" as string -- Email address of the account queries for availability
set defStartTime to "9:30am" as string -- The earliest meetings that will be considered
set defEndTime to "4:30pm" as string -- The latest meetings that will be considered
set timeZoneDescription to "(Central)" as string -- Time zone, only a label for the header, does not impact any actual dates or times
set useGrowl to true -- Change to false if you don't have Growl installed. However, turning this off will also turn off notifications for when the script is done running.
-- There should not be any reason to modify anything below this point, unless looking to improve the script.
-- Global declarations
global emailCalendar
global crlf
global dayOfWeek
global startingTime
global endingTime
global aDuration
global isNewLine
set startingTime to (current date)
set endingTime to (current date)
set isNewLine to true
set aDuration to 0 as number
set dayOfWeek to " " as string
set crlf to (ASCII character 13) & (ASCII character 10)
set emailCalendar to "" as string
on getDate(textInput)
return date textInput
end getDate
on writeOutLine()
if startingTime is not equal to endingTime then
set newLine to " " & time string of startingTime & " - " & time string of endingTime & crlf as string
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & newLine
end if
end writeOutLine
on evalDate(inDate, aStatus, isLastItem, isFirstItem)
--log "inDate: " & inDate
--log "aStatus: " & aStatus
--log "isLastItem: " & isLastItem
--log "isFirstItem: " & isFirstItem
set upperTime to date (date string of inDate & " " & defStartTime) as date
set lowerTime to date (date string of inDate & " " & defEndTime) as date
if aStatus is "free" then
if inDate is greater than or equal to upperTime and inDate is less than or equal to lowerTime then
if weekday of inDate as string is not "Saturday" and weekday of inDate as string is not "Sunday" then
if dayOfWeek is not equal to weekday of inDate as string then
if isFirstItem then
set dayOfWeek to weekday of inDate as string
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & crlf & "* " & date string of inDate & crlf
log "First Item: " & emailCalendar
set endingTime to endingTime - (meetingInterval * minutes)
if dayOfWeek is not equal to " " then
writeOutLine() of me
end if
set aDuration to meetingInterval
set isNewLine to true
set dayOfWeek to weekday of inDate as string
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & crlf & "* " & date string of inDate & crlf
log "Not First Item: " & emailCalendar
end if
end if
if isNewLine then
set startingTime to inDate
set endingTime to startingTime + (meetingInterval * minutes)
set isNewLine to false
log "New Line: " & emailCalendar
if isLastItem then
set endingTime to endingTime - (meetingInterval * minutes)
writeOutLine() of me
log "New Line AND Last Item: " & emailCalendar
end if
if endingTime is equal to inDate then
set endingTime to endingTime + (meetingInterval * minutes)
set isNewLine to false
if isLastItem then
log "Ending Time NOT Found - Is Last Item: " & emailCalendar
writeOutLine() of me
end if
log "Ending Time Found - Is Last Item: " & emailCalendar
writeOutLine() of me
set startingTime to inDate
set endingTime to startingTime + (meetingInterval * minutes)
set isNewLine to false
end if
end if
end if
end if
if isLastItem then
--set endingTime to endingTime - (meetingInterval * minutes)
writeOutLine() of me
end if
end if
end evalDate
on startMessage(startText, endText)
if short date string of startText is equal to short date string of endText then
set emailCalendar to "Here is my availability for " & date string of startText & " " & timeZoneDescription & ": " & crlf
set emailCalendar to "Here is my availability between " & short date string of startText & " and " & short date string of endText & " " & timeZoneDescription & ": " & crlf
end if
set emailCalendar to emailCalendar & "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & crlf
end startMessage
on sendNotification()
tell application "System Events"
set isRunning to (count of (every process whose bundle identifier is "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp")) > 0
end tell
if isRunning then
tell application id "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp"
set the allNotificationsList to ¬
{"Progress Report"}
set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
{"Progress Report"}
register as application ¬
"FreeBusy Data Extract" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
icon of application "Script Editor"
notify with name ¬
"Progress Report" title ¬
"Availability has been copied into clipboard" description ¬
"You may now paste into any message you like..." application name "FreeBusy Data Extract"
end tell
end if
end sendNotification
--tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
with timeout of 600 seconds
set thisAccount to exchange account exchangeAccountName
set defStart to short date string of (current date) & " " & defStartTime
set defEnd to short date string of (current date) & " " & defEndTime
display dialog "Starting date..." default answer defStart with title "Starting Date"
set startText to text returned of result
--print startText
if startText is not "" then
exit repeat
end if
on error
end try
end repeat
display dialog "Ending date..." default answer defEnd with title "Ending Date"
set endText to text returned of result
if endText is not "" then
--set endDate to date endText as string
exit repeat
end if
on error
end try
end repeat
-- Writes out the header for availability
startMessage(getDate(startText) of me, getDate(endText) of me) of me
log emailCalendar
set availability to (query freebusy thisAccount for attendees exchangeUserEmail range start time date startText range end time date endText interval meetingInterval)
set listSize to (count of availability) as number
set timeSlot to getDate(startText as string) of me
set endSlot to getDate(endText as string) of me
set listIndex to 5 as number
set date_array to {}
set status_array to {}
-- Load the two arrays with data from Exchange
repeat while listIndex is not equal to (count of availability)
set the end of date_array to timeSlot as date
set the end of status_array to item listIndex of availability as string
set listIndex to listIndex + 3
set timeSlot to timeSlot + (meetingInterval * minutes)
end repeat
-- Main loop through the new arrays.
set listIndex to 1
repeat while listIndex is less than or equal to (count of date_array)
if listIndex is equal to (count of date_array) then
set isLastItem to true
set isLastItem to false
end if
if listIndex is equal to 1 then
set isFirstItem to true
set isFirstItem to false
end if
evalDate(item listIndex of date_array, item listIndex of status_array, isLastItem, isFirstItem) of me
set listIndex to listIndex + 1
set timeSlot to timeSlot + (meetingInterval * minutes)
end repeat
set the clipboard to emailCalendar
sendNotification() of me
end timeout
end tell