BRETT KELLY is a man with many irons in the fire — a busy software and web developer, a long-time blogger, a well-known Twitter favorite, the Technical Communications Manager for Evernote, and a devoted husband and father of two kids.
It’s no wonder the man loves his coffee! 😀
And as if that weren’t a long enough list of titles and accomplishments, you can add one more: “Author”. His eBook, Evernote Essentials, is the comprehensive guide to using Evernote — and it’s written in plain English. Intended both for new Evernote users who are just getting started and for more experienced Evernote users who want to go deeper, you can tell he spent a lot of time making sure that it would be well-worth the $25 price tag.
When I told Brett about the Help In Your Own Way Giveaway, he did just that and very graciously offered up some free copies of Evernote Essentials. The fine people at Evernote also kicked in some Premium Subscriptions to go along with them, ensuring that you winners will be able to get the most out of what Brett shows you!
So… How Can You Help In YOUR Own Way?
In less than a minute, you can help out in one of these easy ways (and be entered to win these Evernote packages)!
- Help Village Science buy microscopes and science kits
- Help The Language Project afford an internet connection for its students.
- Donate a prize (like Brett did!) for us to give away
- Volunteer your skills to help improve their websites, graphic design, and written materials
But maybe you have an even better idea…. so click here to tell us all about it!