Now There Are **TWO** Evernote-to-MacJournal AppleScripts…
There are now two Evernote-to-MacJournal Exporter scripts included in the downloadable ZIP archive: One that attempts to preserve the formatting of the Evernote item by importing it into MacJournal as a Read-Only Web Archive formatted file, and another that will create an Editable RTF file that may not retain as much of the original formatting and/or embedded images.
I wrote the original script to convert the HTML files that Evernote exports into a slightly different format called a “Web Archive” which bundles in all of the embedded images and information so that the note will look the same inside of MacJournal. The only problem is that MacJournal doesn’t edit that format (yet). Dan Schimpf (the developer behind MacJournal) and I have been trading some emails about it and he is looking into some options to enable Web Archive editing within MacJournal. Until then (or until I can figure out a better way of doing it), you’ll have to use two different scripts depending upon if you want to edit the contents of the note inside of MacJournal right away.
Macworld Reviews MacJournal 5
In his review for Macworld, William Porter gives MacJournal 5 a ranking of Four-And-A-Half Mice (Out Of Five).
The teaser page for the MacHeist bundle is now live a few days before it goes on sale… and even though there’s been no official announcement, I couldn’t help but notice an icon on one of the boxes being loaded out of the truck!
Anyone who has been waiting to pick up a copy of MacJournal should get their credit cards ready! 😉