Tag Archives: BRAVE

A way for people to “Support the Troops” with something more meaningful than just a slogan.

My friend Andi sent me an email a few days ago — she is a Production Designer for MTV Networks who had just finished working on a project called “A Night for Vets: An MTV Concert for the BRAVE”, featuring live performances by 50 Cent and Ludacris (as well as a taped performance by Kanye West).

“Basically, regardless of where you stand on the war or your political views”, she wrote, “it is important to be a part of helping to improve the lives of our vets.

I agree.

More than just a concert, this show was an event designed to promote a new “Bill of Rights for American Veterans”, or “BRAVE” for short. MTV is hosting an online petition to help returning veterans receive social services and quality health care.

Sounds like a way for people to “Support the Troops” with something more meaningful than just a slogan…although, personally, I’d also like to see if we could get Fiddy declared an honorary veteran for his many tours of duty in Queens, New York.