Los Amigos Invisibles New Album!
Venezuelan/New York Funk Superstars Los Amigos Invisibles release their Arepa-powered new album Commercialin the U.S. today!
(Via amigosinvisibles.com )
Looking Into The Past – Neatorama
The Concept: Take an old photo of a place and hold it in front of the same place today. The Results? Check out the “Looking Into The Past” Flickr pool to see!
(Via www.neatorama.com )80s Hits Done All Ragtimey [VIDEO]
(Via www.buzzfeed.com )Sonic Youth Slams Radiohead’s In Rainbows Model | Underwire | Wired.com
Shut up and make an album worth listening to.
(Via www.wired.com )- Goths In Hot Weather ©
An Answer To The Question: “What Do Goths Do In The Summertime?”
(Via www.gothsinhotweather.com )