Project Natal video hands-on, impressions, and further details
Games Without Controllers? “Project Natal” is Microsoft’s *Next Level Tech* that can read your body’s movement. Watch the videos and be prepared to feel a little freaked out!
(Via )Review roundup: Palm’s Pre and its fledgeling WebOS
Several reviews on the new Palm Pre — looks like Apple better put on a hell of a show next week!
(Via )Gadling gear review – Eye-Fi + MiFi + WiFi = wireless camera uploads |
Eye-Fi + MiFi + WiFi = instant uploads of your photos — Assuming that this works with the awesome Cradlepoint Travel Routeras well…
(Via )Computer History Museum | Early Apple Business Documents
Ever wonder how two guys in a garage became “Apple Computer”? Read their original business plans and find out!
(Via )Combine multiple Mail messages for forwarding | E-mail and Internet | Mac OS X Hints | Macworld
A Great Tip For Apple Mail Users!
(Via )