Requiem for a Tough Guy – The Daily Beast
An article about Bob Nylen’s posthumously-published memoirand meditations on the “nature of American male toughness”. Here’s a video with Bob before his death:
(Via )Arab Students Respond to Obama – The Lede Blog –
Some interesting, nuanced reactions.
(Via )New Bars Going for the Speakeasy Look –
Any place that has a raccoon for a doorman is all right by me.
(Via )Photography – Errol Morris Blog –
Why do people believe in imaginary returns, frauds and fakes? Errol Morris in a Multipart Series About “Bamboozlement”
(Via )This is what it sounds like when apes laugh
Doesn’t this sound like a great job?: “Primatologist and psychologist Marina Davila Ross of the U.K.’s University of Portsmouth led a team that tickled the necks, feet, palms, and armpits of infant and juvenile apes as well as human babies. The team recorded more than 800 of the resulting giggles and guffaws.”
(Via BoingBoing)
Tag Archives: Obama
Peggy Noonan in the WSJ: “Gate 14, Obama, and Bush”
Link to OP-ED Piece by Peggy Noonan about “security theater”, Barack Obama, and the lack of love for Bush in Lubbock.
An Excerpt:
“America is in line at the airport. America has its shoes off, is carrying a rubberized bin, is going through a magnetometer. America is worried there is fungus on the floor after a million stockinged feet have walked on it. But America knows not to ask. America is guilty until proved innocent, and no one wants to draw undue attention. America left its ticket and passport in the jacket in the bin in the X-ray machine, and is admonished. America is embarrassed to have put one one-ounce moisturizer too many in the see-through bag. America is irritated that the TSA agent removed its mascara, opened it, put it to her nose, and smelled it. “Why don’t you put it up your nose and see if it explodes?” America thinks.”