If you are Japanese and an Evernote user, you’re certainly feeling the love this week!
Veritrope.com reader Synkuro sent me a message this morning that lifehacking.jp contributor and author Masatake E. Hori has launched his ebook tutorial for Evernote. Written with the help of co-authors Shogo Sasaki and Etsuo Ohashi, “Evernote Handbook” is a guide for people just getting started with Evernote — but also contains tips for more advanced users!
Although my ability to understand Japanese is limited to slowly sounding out Hiragana and then acting like a delighted child when I recognize a word/sound, a Google Translation of the website suggests that buyers will receive free updates to the ebook as they are made available.
And if you like your books in a more traditional format, a different book in paperback written by Masato Kogure and Masaki Ishitani is also available for pre-sale on Amazon.jp.

Phil Libin -- Getting The Rock Star Treatment!
The paperback appears to have at least one thing that the ebook doesn’t — a snazzy photo of Evernote CEO Phil Libin on the cover. According to Phil’s Twitter feed, the book is currently the 17th best-selling book on all of Amazon Japan which, if I were in his shoes, would engender a somewhat “Spinal Tap”
-like feeling.
Yes — Japan loves Phil this week and, thankfully, it’s not just for his cover version of “Sex Farm”
! The real reason is that Evernote just released version 1.70 of it’s Mac Client — with an improved Japanese translation of the program’s interface! (English-speaking computer users often forget just how spoiled we are to have most applications available primarily in our native language!). The release is a by-product of Evernote’s ongoing translation efforts — I really like their “crowd-sourcing” approach to this and hope that it becomes a trend in software development.
A Quick Reminder

A while ago, I added a social bookmarking button to Veritrope.com to let you send posts directly into your Evernote account — this is primarily for people who are on a work computer where they can’t install Evernote (or who are away from home). It is a tiny little thing, so I thought I’d call your attention to it in case you missed it….Clip away!!!