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I’m here — and hard at work already!

Or as they say around here — “Sabaidee!”

I’ve spent the last couple of days getting settled and starting work with The Language Project and Village Science. I’ve already met so many lovely people since arriving: students, volunteers, and people around town. I’ll try to find time to tell you more about them — and more about this lovely place — in the days ahead.

If you haven’t checked it out already, you can read more about why I am here and also about the “Help In Your Own Way Giveaway”which ends on March 14th!

For the latest trip updates and prize announcements, follow the Veritrope Twitter Feed!

From now until March 18th, I am challenging you find creative ways to help Village Science and The Language Project — two groups assisting students in Luang Prabang, Laos…. and offering prizes to those making the greatest impact!

When meritocracy exists in this world, it is only because human beings have made sure that good works were supported — and that kind people were encouraged. No one person on their own can make the world into a decent place.

In the end, it’s up to all of us. People have to make it happen.

I am grateful to know so many interesting, talented people — and I’ve met many of them through this website! I’m now asking them — and you — to help me raise money and awareness for two very special groups in Laos.

So with the generous support and encouragement of friends and readers like you, I am announcing the “Help In Your Own Way Giveaway”!
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At some point, you travel down a path far enough that it stops being a trip and starts to become “a journey”.

I’d like to update that famous Lao-Tzu “A Journey of a Thousand Miles” saying for the modern age of air travel to read: “A Journey of 23,244 Miles Begins With a Single Mouse Click.”

Now you might be saying to yourself “23,244 miles seems like a very large number — and also a suspiciously specific figure for Justin to pick.1

23,244 miles is almost the full distance around the Earth at the Equator.

It is also, as close as I can figure it, the exact distance of a round-trip flight from New York City through Frankfurt, Singapore, Bangkok that will return me to Luang Prabang, Laos in two weeks time.

Where The Journey Begins

Seven months ago, my wife and I arrived in Luang Prabang while on our honeymoon. We walked into a community library one afternoon and met kids who wanted to practice their English with us. We met Carol Kresge who ran the library. We talked with Justin Spelman, who was pitching in and helping around the Library while starting up his own science education organization.

It was only a few hours of our time, but something about that library and those people stuck to us. Some places are like that — leaving a residue on your thoughts as you continue your travels.

We kept in touch with Carol and Justin from the moment we left. We read more about each of their groups, wondering if we could help them out in any way.

And now I’m returning to Laos to do just that.
[Read more…]

  1. If you like to use metric distances when you talk to yourself, feel free to substitute “37,407 kilometers” []