AppleScript Trouble in Evernote 3.3?

Shortly after Evernote’s new client for the Mac (version 3.3) was released, I began receiving reports that some AppleScripts were either partially or totally broken. (An example – the Evernote-to-DEVONthink AppleScript isn’t working because, when you ask Evernote to export notes via AppleScript, it now causes a disk permission error.)

I contacted Evernote’s Developer team and they’ve told me they are working on the Evernote AppleScript bridge and that the product team is looking into the errors. I’ll post updates here as I have them but, if AppleScripts are a critical part of your workflow, you may want to hold off on updating to 3.3 until we know more!

Update on November 4, 2012

Evernote recently announced a completely rewritten Mac app which is now in beta testing. Once it’s released, I’ll continue working on the AppleScripts for Evernote. One side benefit for all you early adopters — since the beta is being distributed outside the Mac App Store, many of the broken AppleScripts seem to be working again.

Feel free to send me a message on Twitter or on if you want to let me know how the new Evernote is working for you.

5 Responses to “AppleScript Trouble in Evernote 3.3?”

  1. JD August 15, 2012 at 12:57 pm #

    Thanks for the update. I assumed that there was something in the new code that was adhering to some sandboxing requirement for Mountain Lion. For what it’s worth, I have been unable to get Folder Actions to work but I have a “Send to Evernote” workflow that still seems to work. You have to remember to right click each file and select the option, but it’s a workaround.

  2. Rich Miller February 7, 2013 at 10:24 am #

    Is there any ETA on a fix for the Evernote Applescript bridge? With the latest versions of both Evernote and DTPO, I continue to get the disk permission error.
    – RHM

    • Justin Lancy February 13, 2013 at 8:19 pm #

      Hi Rich,

      As I mentioned on the other page, I’ve been traveling quite a bit and so it had time to do any updates… Think things are settling down a little bit now, so hopefully it won’t be too much longer for you to wait! 🙂

      • dansully June 12, 2014 at 12:10 pm #

        Just wanted to see where this is now. It’s been a year since the last comment and I wanted to see if this is dead or somewhere else. – Thanks!

        • Justin Lancy June 12, 2014 at 1:17 pm #

          Hi Dan – If you’re asking if Evernote fixed the AppleScript bugs, the answer is yes!