Enter The Mac Giveaway Below!
For years, Veritrope.com has been the personal-but-public notebook of things I’m interested in, as well as a glimpse at some of the “Advanced Mac-Fu” I’ve designed on behalf of my workflow clients.
Month after month, I’ve watched the number of Veritrope’s visitors growing. Usually at some point in every day, I find myself a bit staggered by how many people I see sharing, reading, and downloading the stuff that I’ve published here — or by who I discover reading and using my stuff. Amazing.
I’m very grateful. And I’ve also decided to take things up a notch.
The Why and the What of the Mac User Giveaway
I’m in the process of relaunching Veritrope as a place where technologists and creative professionals from all over the world can meet, learn from one another, and share their tools and inspiration. Right now, most of what you’ll find here is written for people who like to use their Macs in powerful, customized ways. That content will remain — and be expanded upon — in the new Veritrope.
In fact because I want to make sure that people continue to find excellent tools here, my first giveaway this month is aimed at all you Mac über-users. In exchange for filling out a short survey and/or sharing your own tools in the Code Library — you can win a bunch of great Mac-related prizes!
For example:
- Fujitsu ScanSnap S1100 Portable USB Scanner and DocumentSnap.com Guides. Not only can you win this lightweight, cloud-savvy scanner (normally $200), but also some great guides from Brooks Duncan at DocumentSnap.com that’ll show you how to make great use of it!
- $100 of iTunes Gift Certificates. I’m giving away five $20 gift certificates that can be used at the iTunes or Mac App Stores.
- Mac Productivity eBooks. I’m also giving away some great eBooks by David Sparks and Brett Kelly. If you want to use your Mac to help get rid of all the paper in your life, you’ll want to own these!
- AppleScript and Automator Guides. Ben Waldie has generously donated several copies of his guide to using Automator, and I’m also giving away my own, personal copies of a number of AppleScript programming guides (some of which you’ll find on the AppleScript Resources list). You’ll see my folded pages, coffee rings, and occasionally teardrops and notes of desperation written in the margins. I mean what I say about Veritrope being a global resource so, no matter where you live, I’ll ship these books to winners anywhere in the world!
- Software. Do you like writing in Markdown? Brett Terpstra’s Marked is an app you won’t want to be without!
Oh — and be sure to check back here regularly, as I may have a few more surprises to throw in…
The widget below is the entry form: Scroll past all the prizes to the tab at the bottom that says “Enter to Win” to get started.
During the giveaway period, you get 25 entries for completing a very short survey and 10 entries for each AppleScript, Automator Workflow, Alfred Extension, TextExpander snippet, and the like that you submit to the Code Library (Limit One Per Day). If you like, you can also get an extra entry for following Veritrope on Twitter, App.Net, or leaving a comment below. Note: Be sure to do it via the entry form below so you get proper credit for doing so.
Here’s the full prize list and entry form — just follow the instructions below. Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway