AppleScript Updates for Evernote, DEVONthink Pro, Mail, and Folder Action Importer

A quick heads up to all you AppleScript fans. I recently pushed out some bug fixes for a few of my favorites, including:

Each script’s page has a link to the Bug Reporter form should you encounter any issues. Any other comments or thoughts should go — you guessed it — in the comment thread. You can also use the contact form to send me a private messagesend me a message on Twitter, or reach out via everyone’s new favorite social network —

As always, I appreciate your feedback!

MailTags for Apple Mail

One more note — Some users of the Apple Mail to Evernote script have asked me to put back some code which makes it work with MailTags. I removed it to reduce the complexity of the code (and, frankly, because no one told that they loved it), but if you feel the same way and want it back, please let me know!


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2 Responses to “AppleScript Updates for Evernote, DEVONthink Pro, Mail, and Folder Action Importer”

  1. Robert March 10, 2013 at 1:56 pm #

    Excellent stuff, thanks!!

  2. Peter July 5, 2014 at 12:21 pm #

    Great scripts. Thank You. Hi, I would love to have MailTags back.