Tag Archives: Mail.app

A quick heads up to all you AppleScript fans: I recently pushed out some bug fixes for a few of my favorites!

A quick heads up to all you AppleScript fans. I recently pushed out some bug fixes for a few of my favorites, including:

Each script’s page has a link to the Bug Reporter form should you encounter any issues. Any other comments or thoughts should go — you guessed it — in the comment thread. You can also use the contact form to send me a private messagesend me a message on Twitter, or reach out via everyone’s new favorite social network — App.net.

As always, I appreciate your feedback!

MailTags for Apple Mail

One more note — Some users of the Apple Mail to Evernote script have asked me to put back some code which makes it work with MailTags. I removed it to reduce the complexity of the code (and, frankly, because no one told that they loved it), but if you feel the same way and want it back, please let me know!

Support Veritrope.com

If you like these AppleScripts, there are a few ways you can help me keep them coming to you.

And only one of them involves giving me money. 😀

Please click here to find out more!

New and Recently Updated AppleScripts for apps including Apple Mail, Day One, Outlook 2011, OmniFocus, and Evernote

What The Rest Of The World Is Doing While I'm Sitting In Front Of My Computer

Here in New York, the weather has taken a beautiful turn: The sun is shining and, out my window, I can see people smiling and laughing while they walk down the street. “Out my window”? Yup – because I’ve been busy sitting at my desk, churning out AppleScripts for all you good Mac people.1

So before I join the frolicking masses, I thought I’d share a few of the latest updates and additions to the Veritrope.com Code Library. Hope you enjoy them and be sure to check back here when you take a break from playing in the spring sunshine. Who knows… there may be some more goodies2 coming soon!:

(Follow Veritrope on Twitter to get the latest updates!)


  1. Or as my wife likes to call it “What the hell are you doing inside on a beautiful day like this?!?” []
  2. OmniOutliner fans should be sure to check back []

Part Three of a short tutorial on how AppleScript can streamline your work, make you more productive, and save you time!

If you’re just joining us, here are Parts One and Two of the “Learn To Speak AppleScript” Series!

Familiar with that quote by Pablo Picasso “Good artists copy, great artists steal”?

Well… let’s just say this:
We’re going to make you into a Great AppleScript Artist with this lesson! 😉
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