Demystifying the Art of Making a Good File

Readers of generally fall into two distinct camps: Some come here for AppleScripts or Mac-related posts, others for the less tech-oriented features.

Many of my friends are in the latter group. They’ve often told me “I started reading one of your computer posts and got a few paragraphs in… when I realized that I had no goddamn idea what you were talking about!

And so with this subtle encouragement, it occurs to me that some content that is less “nuts-and-bolts” and more “Why should I care about this nerdy stuff?” is probably in order.
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The Best Synths of the 80’s — Recreated in Software, The Guitar Style of John Frusciante, Share Your Mix Tapes Online, Elliott Smith, and some New Madvillainy!

In honor of what’s going on in many parts of the United States today, enjoy the Election Day playlist while you peruse some links!
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Anthony Bourdain gets even more animated, The Fall of the Berlin Wall — 20 Years Later, The Legacy of John le Carré, and remembering Claude Levi-Strauss.