Save A List of URLs From Your Evernote Items As A File

Here’s a quick bit of Script-fu for all you Evernote users:

A user calling him/herself “gatekeeper” (probably a guy, but you can never rule out the possibility of a Sigourney Weaver / Ghostbusters variety of Gatekeeper) posted a message on the Evernote forum asking if there was “a way to generate in to a text file only the urls from all my snaps ?

I can see how this could be useful in certain circumstances — especially for those people who use Evernote as a sort of private substitute (in other words, as a sort of anti-social bookmarking service).

I had published a script here a while back that saved a list of Note Titles as a text file
Could that be easily adapted to do the job here?
(Spoiler Alert: Yes, it can.)

Teaching An Old Script Some New Tricks

Okay, Gatekeeper — You’ll find the source code (now updated at one user’s request to have a slightly different layout for the text file) available in the Code Library! Like the original AppleScript that it was based upon, this one asks you to pick the Evernote notebook that you want to see the list for and, once selected, a window will open containing a list of URLs from all the notes within that notebook that have anything in the “Source URL” field.

You can then cut-and-paste that list or, if you like, save it as a text file to a location of your choosing.

Hope you enjoy it… and Viva La AppleScript!
The Keymaster

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4 Responses to “Save A List of URLs From Your Evernote Items As A File”

  1. Adrian August 13, 2010 at 1:40 am #

    Hello Justin

    You solve my problem !
    I was blown away with your script, it doesn’t get easier than this.

    Thank you very much for your time and effort. I own you one đŸ˜‰


    • Justin Lancy August 13, 2010 at 1:44 am #


      Glad it worked well for you!

  2. Jo November 27, 2010 at 12:35 pm #

    This is really helpful, thanks a lot! Just wondering if there is a way to combine the two scripts – would love a list of the titles of notes and their respective URLs. Have tried fiddling round with the standalone scripts but am not getting anywhere and would really appreciate your help.