Spring Cleaning: A Round-Up of New and Updated AppleScripts

What The Rest Of The World Is Doing While I'm Sitting In Front Of My Computer

Here in New York, the weather has taken a beautiful turn: The sun is shining and, out my window, I can see people smiling and laughing while they walk down the street. “Out my window”? Yup – because I’ve been busy sitting at my desk, churning out AppleScripts for all you good Mac people.1

So before I join the frolicking masses, I thought I’d share a few of the latest updates and additions to the Veritrope.com Code Library. Hope you enjoy them and be sure to check back here when you take a break from playing in the spring sunshine. Who knows… there may be some more goodies2 coming soon!:

(Follow Veritrope on Twitter to get the latest updates!)


  1. Or as my wife likes to call it “What the hell are you doing inside on a beautiful day like this?!?” []
  2. OmniOutliner fans should be sure to check back []