Tag Archives: NNW

The Public Beta for NetNewsWire 3.2 was released yesterday and, all over the world, NNW’s devoted users (myself included) are fervently clicking the download link — eager to test out the new syncing with Google Reader feature!

However, one downside to testing the beta affects people who use the Clippings feature. Since Google Reader doesn’t exactly provide a direct place to map a clipping folder to, NNW developer Brent Simmons has hidden away the Clipping folders until he figures out what the hell to do with them (Don’t worry — there’s a HTML backup in [home folder]/Library/Application Support/NetNewsWire/ExportedClippings/) UPDATE — The new 3.2B13 release turns the clippings back on (albeit un-synched).

But what if you want to export them for use outside of NNW (or as a backup to it)? Here are a couple of options…….

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