Save Your Safari URLs into Evernote!

Evernote user John recently posted this in the company’s Mac forum:

“I was looking for a better way to store bookmarks while I am researching something without storing the entire web page or a pdf of it. Dragging and dropping the icon from the web page URL into a note leads to a webloc file that has to be double-clicked to open, and does not work on the iPhone client. Copying and pasting the URL into a note leads to a nice link that can be single click accessed, or accessed directly in the EN client on the iPhone, which is a nice touch. I can’t see any advantage to the webloc file. Can the default behavior of the drag and drop be changed on the desktop client so that it acts like a paste of the URL? It would make much more sense than the webloc, unless I am missing something. If anyone else has ideas about how they store bookmarks while they are researching so that they can be accessed between the EN desktop and iPhone client I would love to hear it.”

How about an AppleScript to do the job?


  • This AppleScript creates a note with a list of the URLs of each open tab in the frontmost window of Safari.
  • Efficiency was foremost in my mind when creating this script. As such, the script creates the note in the default notebook and without any tagging. If anyone thinks that notebook selection and tagging should be included, please let me know in the comments below and I’ll consider adding it in!

How to Install and Use

Just run the script! Please remember:

  1. I am providing these scripts for the benefit of the Mac community. While they work wonderfully for me, I cannot take responsibility for any data you might lose (or if your laptop turns into a pumpkin or something…);
  2. “Community” means “participation”. Please share with the rest of us *how* you use these scripts in your workflow, how you think they could be improved (and feel free to help someone if they don’t understand something!)

Get The Script!

I’ve moved it from this page into the new Code Library, where you find dozens of other time-saving AppleScript for Mac users!

Click Here To Go Directly To the Safari / Evernote Script!

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13 Responses to “Save Your Safari URLs into Evernote!”

  1. Tim November 22, 2009 at 2:18 am #

    I think notebook selection and tagging would be great!! Maybe to a folder titled “bookmarks”…



    • Justin November 22, 2009 at 1:30 pm #

      I’ll certainly look at this for any future revisions for the script.

      Thanks Tim!

  2. Tim Waters February 19, 2010 at 9:51 am #

    This is a GREAT idea. Thanks for writing it and even thinking to do so!

    Do you do work on any other platforms? Windows? Linux? etc?

    I’d like to suggest you as a possible vendor where I work, (out sourced programming etc). If you are interested please email me.

    • Justin February 19, 2010 at 11:08 am #

      Glad you are enjoying it!

      Right now, I am personally focusing on developing for the Mac… but part of what I do in my consulting practice is to connect my clients to all sorts of creative professionals (including Win/Linux programmers).

      Either way, you can use the Contact Form to get in touch and discuss your project!

  3. JJ January 12, 2011 at 9:31 pm #

    Is there any way one could run the script for all open bookmarks. I have over 2,000 bookmarks and the only scripts I can find are for front window Safari.
    Any suggestions on how to get so many bookmarks easily into Safari ?

    • Justin Lancy January 12, 2011 at 9:58 pm #

      Just to clarify… you want a script to archive all of your Safari bookmarks into Evernote?

      • JJ January 13, 2011 at 12:34 am #

        basically, yes. I’m using your script and it seems work fine for what it was intended, but it only translates open tabs. if i try to ‘open all tabs’ within safari it crashes or will only get 30 at a time. It also dumps the URL’s all into one default folder. If you change your default folder, it’s not much of an issue.
        I guess in a perfect world I would want all my Safari bookmarks brought into one notebook as separate notes, as I would have to go back and tag and title them anyway.
        I’m really stumped that this isn’t more of an issue with Evernote, when I contacted them they literally said they have to ‘concentrate on other dev right now’
        Thanks for the quick response =


  4. gordon April 23, 2011 at 12:22 am #

    Here’s the applescript to use instead of the last tell to send to omnifocus:

    tell front document of application “OmniFocus”
    make new inbox task with properties {name:(NoteTitle), note:url_list}
    end tell

    (cribbed from