Tag Archives: Automator Services

Quickly build open-ended lists of information from a variety of sources without opening Evernote. Fantastic for general purpose list making!

To-do lists, packing lists, Lists of things I need to remember, Lists of things I’d like to learn. I live in lists.

I know I’m not alone. You don’t have to be Umberto Eco (or my friend Larry for that matter) to have experienced the “Vertigo of Lists” at one time or another — and so I wanted to share a really useful tool that I developed to help me manage many of my open-ended lists.

It’s called the Evernote List Builder!
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Evernote Search Service for Snow Leopard Gets An Update… and Using Google Earth to Set Location Data For Your Notes!

Search in Evernote

Search Highlighted Text in Evernote

During today’s Evernote Podcast, there were a couple of items mentioned which I realized might be of interest to readers here:

Search in Evernote — Updated Snow Leopard Service

The new “Simultaneous Search” function within the Chrome browser extension which was mentioned made me realize something: New Veritrope.com readers might not know that we’ve had something similar around here for a while! While it’s not an integrated Google search, it is a very handy way to find out whether or not you’ve already got notes about something. And best of all — it works in many different applications!

Yes — I’ve updated the Snow Leopard Service which searches Evernote for highlighted text. The new version uses Evernote’s enhanced AppleScript support and is faster than ever, so be sure to check it out!

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Contextual Evernote Search Service for Snow Leopard

Installed Services appear at the bottom of your Contextual Menu

Installed Services appear at the bottom of your Contextual Menu

Updated On September 30, 2010

Here is a fun one for all you Snow Leopard users — a service which, with a simple mouse click, lets you highlight any text and search through all your Evernote items for it!


Just highlight a passage of text anywhere that Snow Leopard’s Services are available. Control-Click (a.k.a., “Right Click”) to get a context menu and select “Search In Evernote” to search for that highlighted passage of text  in Evernote!

When you highlight text and run the Service, Evernote will launch and a separate Evernote window of Notes will open up containing just your search results. Note — it may take a few seconds for the search results to appear so, just give it a few seconds if at first you see “0 Results”.

When I say “anywhere that Snow Leopard’s Services are available”, that means most applications on your Mac — but keep in mind that there are a few “straggler apps” where this service isn’t available. 1

One caveat — this new version of the Service doesn’t have the pop-over window and also requires Evernote Version 1.10 or above as it uses Evernote’s new AppleScript implementation. Personally, I think things work faster and cleaner this way but, if you prefer the old way, I’ve left the download button for that version of the script at the bottom of the page.

The Fine Print

(Otherwise known as “Stuff You Should Know Before Installing”)

  • I am providing the Service for the benefit of the Mac community. While it works wonderfully for me, I cannot take responsibility for any data you might lose (or if your laptop turns into a pumpkin or something…)
  • “Community” means “participation”. Please share with the rest of us how you think this service could be improved (and feel free to help someone if they don’t understand something!)

How to Install and Use

  • Download the ZIP file from the link below:

  • When unzipped, click on the installer package called “Search in Evernote Service” and follow the instructions.  The installer will copy a Service to your system Services library.

Old Version of the Service

If for some reason you’d like to download the old version of the script (with the pop-over preview window) it is here:


Found a bug?

Click Here To Submit Your Bug Report!

Interested in what other Services are available for Snow Leopard?

Click here to see the latest list!

Interested in what AppleScripts are available for Evernote?

Click here to see the latest list!

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  1. Cough..cough… FIREFOX! Cough! []