Tag Archives: RTF

This AppleScript-based app takes advantage of the fact that Evernote is much better at working with HTML files than text or rich text. It takes RTF and/or TXT files, converts them into HTML format, and then batch imports them into your default Evernote notebook.

Moving your data from one program to another rarely goes according to plan. (It’s right up there with Moore’s Law as a “techie true-ism”!)

So recently, I’ve been hearing that some new Evernote users who are trying to get their notes in from other note-taking programs are having a hard time getting their exported TXT or RTF files to format correctly inside of Evernote.

Import/Export is one of the spots where Evernote still lags behind the competition — but maybe we can find a way to improve the current situation ourselves…
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An AppleScript to save your Evernote items as RTF files.


I read a post on the Evernote forum the other day from a writer who wanted to use notes from Evernote in Scrivener, a word processing/research program designed specifically for authors/screenwriters. It’s a fantastic program — the kind that really opens people’s eyes to quality of Mac applications — but it isn’t scriptable. Head Scrivener Guru Keith said in a post on his own forum this past December “Just for the record, it’s highly unlikely that Scrivener will be getting AppleScript support any time soon. It’s a big job and low down on the list – certainly it won’t be making 1.5. It is still slated for a distant future release, though!”

And though HTML export is planned for a future version of Evernote (and, perhaps, even sooner than that….), there has to be a way we can help this guy out…you know….NOW!

Now that Evernote has released native HTML export, there’s two ways to help this guy out:

  1. Have him export his files to HTML directly from Evernote (which he can then import into Scrivener’s “Research” folder and refer to as a reference), or
  2. If he needs to edit the notes inside of Scrivener, the answer is this AppleScript —  It converts notes from Evernote into Rich Text Format with Attachments (RTFD files)!  He can then import them in to Scrivener (or any other program that accepts RTF files) and edit away!

Don’t you just love AppleScript?

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Links to Evernote Applescripts and Accessories — Updated Regularly!

This page contains a regularly updated list of products, services, and AppleScripts/API projects that are designed to work with Evernote.
If your Evernote-Related Product or Project isn’t listed, click here to let me know about it!  Be sure to also check out the Veritrope.com Code Library which contains a large number of Evernote-related scripts and projects.

Evernote Accessories + Services

"Evernote Essentials" PDF (Direct Purchase)

"Evernote Essentials" for Kindle (Amazon)
Now in it's 4th Edition! An overview written in plain English of the capabilities of Evernote. Includes a comprehensive setup guide and a sizable collection of tips, tricks and best practices to help the newbie get up to speed quickly and show the seasoned user a thing or two about how to become an Evernote superhero!

Evernote for DummiesDavid E. Y. Sarna's Evernote for Dummies, 2nd Edition is a solid reference to learn to get organized with Evernote – and features a kind mention of the Veritrope.com Code Library. (Thanks David!)
Fujitsu ScanSnapI own the previous generation model and have whole-heartedly recommended it for years to people who are trying to digitize big piles of paper quickly.

With the Fujitsu ScanSnap one button color scanner, you can quickly convert paper documents into electronic files. ScanSnap features an auto document feeder (ADF) that digitizes both sides of a document in a single pass in color, making it ideal for an office or home office environment. Now, thanks to the partnership of Fujitsu and Evernote, pushing a single button on ScanSnap can make your scanned documents instantly available and searchable on virtually any computer and mobile device you use.
Canon imageFormula P-150A new entry on the market: The P-150 scanner (also known as Scan-tini) was designed for professionals to improve their personal efficiency and individual productivity in offices and in transit. From the Small Office / Home Office (SOHO) user, to the occasional traveler, to the employee who frequently travels, the P-150 scanner offers advanced features to meet the document capture needs of stationary users and "road warriors."
Lexmark Platinum Pro905 Business Class Wireless Multifunction Inkjet Printer with Web-enabled Touchscreen
This looks pretty cool -- the 'Scan to Evernote' SmartSolution by Lexmark International makes it easy to scan an important document, convert it to digital format and post to your Evernote account with one simple click of a button...all without even turning on your computer.
Eye-Fi SDHC Wireless Flash Memory CardsThe Eye-Fi SD Card is one of my faves! With it, your camera can record the location where your photo was taken (works great with "Places" in iPhoto).

And if that wasn't enough, with a WiFi connection it will automatically upload your photos as you take them to Evernote or a number of other online repositories!

Evernote Scripts / API Applications:


Veritrope.com Scripts

Click Here For The Latest Entries for "Evernote" in the Code Library!
**NEW** Delicious to Evernote Importer (KEEPS TAGS!)
Save a List of Source URLs as Text
RTF/TXT File Imported (To Improve Formatting Over Native Import)
Safari URLs to Evernote (To Generate A Quick List Of Bookmarks from Your Open Tabs)
Yojimbo to Evernote Exporter
Evernote to Yojimbo Exporter
NetNewsWire to Evernote: Batch Sending
TWO Scripts Connecting DEVONthink and Evernote!
The Idea Scroll
Evernote to MacJournal Exporter
MacJournal to Evernote Batch Exporter
Apple Mail to Evernote
Export Evernote Notes to HTML (Legacy Script)
Export Notes From Evernote to an RTF text file
Export a List of Titles for Notes In Evernote to a text file
Microsoft Entourage to Evernote
NetNewsWire to Evernote: Single Headline or Tab

Other Scripts and Projects

Import Delicious Bookmarks into Evernote.
An Applescript to push all of your LittleSnapper snaps into Evernote, including tags/ratings/title/date!
**NEW** Toodledo-to-Evernote Workflow
Automator Actions for Evernote
Livescribe/Evernote AppleScript
AppleScript to Export entire Evernote notebook in PDF format
PHP code to send a WordPress post to Evernote
Ruby Script to import Twitter favorites to Evernote
Ruby Script to improve import of Delicious bookmarks into Evernote
Using a Greasemonkey script to speed up import from Google Notebooks to Evernote
Greasemonkey script to force https: on Evernote websites
Use the Evernote Bookmarklet via Ubiquity
AutoHotKey Script for Evernote
Ubuntu Evernote Clipping Script
Camino Browser Toolbar Script
Journler to Evernote AppleScript
Clip to Evernote via Quicksilver and AppleScript
Copy title and URL in the front most window of Safari to Evernote with link
Creating a daily log in Evernote from Quicksilver
Import Yojimbo items into Evernote
A Ruby/AppleScript solution to post NetNewsWire Items to Evernote
Import Evernote ENEX Files into DevonThink as HTML
A MacFUSE-based file system for accessing the Evernote service. (Under Development -- Use with caution!)
Amazon Kindle NoteScraperExports your Kindle notes and highlights to Evernote. When you run the script you’ll be able to enter a series of tags to be applied to all of the notes. You can also specify an existing or new Notebook as the destination for your notes. Installation instructions are included in the download.
Journaler to Evernote Exporter
**NEW**JS-Based Delicious/ENEX ConverterUses JS to convert your Delicious links into an Evernote ENEX import file!
**NEW**ENEX-based Daily Journal AppleScript