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A few Alfred extensions for use with Safari, Google Chrome, and Evernote

Alfred Logo
Knowing how to use keyboard shortcuts is one of the best ways to improve your productivity on a computer – and even more so when you use them to trigger “recipes” of commonly repeated but complex tasks.

One of my favorite programs to help you use these shortcuts is Alfred (the “Powerpack Edition”, naturally). I was planning on waiting for the relaunch of Veritrope to start sharing some Alfred extensions, but it seems that I just can’t help myself!

Here are a few that I’ve recently added to some scripts in the Code Library:

Does anyone want to see more Alfred / Keyboard Maestro / Text Expander stuff around here? Let me know in the comments — or send me a note on Twitter or on App.Net.

Version 3.3 of the Mac Evernote Client seems to break several Evernote AppleScript functions. Get the latest updates on the situation here.

Shortly after Evernote’s new client for the Mac (version 3.3) was released, I began receiving reports that some AppleScripts were either partially or totally broken. (An example – the Evernote-to-DEVONthink AppleScript isn’t working because, when you ask Evernote to export notes via AppleScript, it now causes a disk permission error.)

I contacted Evernote’s Developer team and they’ve told me they are working on the Evernote AppleScript bridge and that the product team is looking into the errors. I’ll post updates here as I have them but, if AppleScripts are a critical part of your workflow, you may want to hold off on updating to 3.3 until we know more!

Update on November 4, 2012

Evernote recently announced a completely rewritten Mac app which is now in beta testing. Once it’s released, I’ll continue working on the AppleScripts for Evernote. One side benefit for all you early adopters — since the beta is being distributed outside the Mac App Store, many of the broken AppleScripts seem to be working again.

Feel free to send me a message on Twitter or on if you want to let me know how the new Evernote is working for you.

New and Recently Updated AppleScripts for apps including Apple Mail, Day One, Outlook 2011, OmniFocus, and Evernote

What The Rest Of The World Is Doing While I'm Sitting In Front Of My Computer

Here in New York, the weather has taken a beautiful turn: The sun is shining and, out my window, I can see people smiling and laughing while they walk down the street. “Out my window”? Yup – because I’ve been busy sitting at my desk, churning out AppleScripts for all you good Mac people.1

So before I join the frolicking masses, I thought I’d share a few of the latest updates and additions to the Code Library. Hope you enjoy them and be sure to check back here when you take a break from playing in the spring sunshine. Who knows… there may be some more goodies2 coming soon!:

(Follow Veritrope on Twitter to get the latest updates!)


  1. Or as my wife likes to call it “What the hell are you doing inside on a beautiful day like this?!?” []
  2. OmniOutliner fans should be sure to check back []